Journey of a Fiddler - Day 23

Hello Everyone! I've been practicing Mary Had A Little Lamb daily. Noticed that my notes do not really sound clear. I think I need to press down on the strings harder, and make sure I'm bowing properly.

I wonder if there's a proper way to press down on the strings.

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Journey of a Fiddler - Day 19

Hi everyone! I'm practicing Mary Had A Little Lamb today. 

I think I have memorized the notes, but the notes did not sound clear.  I noticed the strings are kinda screechy when I bow... Do you think its because I'm not pressing down on them hard enough?

Also, my fingers  hurt if I press on the strings really hard... but if I don't do that, there's a screeching sound, and the note doesn't sound clear.

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Journey of a Fiddler - Day 18

I've been working on Twinkle Twinkle Little Star a lot...

 I think I want to try out Mary Had A Little Lamb tomorrow!

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Journey of a Fiddler - Day 16

Hi everyone! 

I've been working on my Twinkle Twinkle tune for awhile now... Especially on the part on not slurring 2 strings at once.

Been putting all I've learnt together into this... I personally feel I've improved since last week, but still have more room for improvement!

And my shoulder keeps moving... :(

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Journey of a Fiddler - Day 14 (Finally Not Hitting 2 Strings)

Omg! I have finally managed to do Twinkle Twinkle without hitting 2 strings!

I'm refining my methods now! Will post a video soon! ^^

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Journey of a Fiddler - Day 12 (D & A Twinkle Twinkle)

Today I'm starting on Twinkle Twinkle with strings D & A! I feel its tougher than the A & E one because both strings have chords beside, and I had to be conscious of not hitting either of those.

Anyway, I noticed that the 'optical illusion' is making my bow in D crooked... I probably need to work on that.

Please comment & like the video!

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Journey of a Fiddler - Day 10 (String Crossing)

Hi everyone! I'm still practicing string crossing! Wow this part is difficult - I'm still working on getting the timing just right so I won't bow both strings at once!

I see a slight improvement though! ^^

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Journey of a Fiddler - Day 9 (Keeping an Eye Out)

Does anyone have a problem with their pinky not wanting to stay near the fingerboard?

Also, what are the things you need to look out for when bowing and fingering to ensure that you have a nice round note?

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Journey of a Fiddler - Day 8 (Twinkle Twinkle)

Hello everyone!

I was practicing my fingering and bowing using the tune from Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. It was difficult switching strings while keeping in-tune, and I'm working on it. Still takes me a while to make sure I'm now bowing before I fully switch strings.

I recorded this after 20 attempts, and I guess my fingers are still not used to fingering the strings - they kind of hurt now, with all the red marks on it.

Well, I do hope that it sounds better now, as compared to yesterday.

Do help by liking the video, and sharing your comments below!

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